Boss Clinical Education

Docendo discimus is a Latin proverb meaning "by teaching, we learn."

Boss Clinical Education is founded by a dentist who has more than 18 years in the healthcare industry. In the last 9 years, he has been working in Scientific Affairs and Education for an MNC and a global leader in clinical oral health products, where he was directly involved in the development of Key Opinion Leaders and the provision of clinical educational programmes across Asia.

The vision for BossCE is to provide enhanced continuous clinical education for all healthcare professionals not limited to just doctors and dentists but also for chiropractors, nurses, therapists, technicians, perfusionists and the list goes on.

Think of it as Udemy for healthcare professionals.

 It is said, Seneca the Younger (c. 4 BC-65 AD), mentioned in his letters Letters to Lucilius (Book I, letter 7, section 8): Homines dum docent discunt., meaning ‘men learn while they teach’. And thus, BossCE opens up accessibility to not only learn from but also teach our peers.

Learn with us by enrolling into the available Clinical Courses and teach by becoming a BossCE Clinical Instructor. We also welcome Partner Academies who would want to be part of BossCE for the betterment of all healthcare professionals.

Feel free to connect with the BossCE team via our social media below or through our contact page.

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